Kaiser Permanente Brand Environment Palettes
Please reference project #30008004 for inventory and pricing.
Please reference Kaiser Permanente Architectural Graphics Brand Toolkit on Kaiser’s InfoZone for how to specify imagery for CW11 + UV2 wallcovering and CF07 Clear Film.

Microgrid 3514-802

Glimmer 3006-402

Net 3869-801

Everywhere Texture 4147-402

Plexus 3129-401

Double Weave 3884-801

Luster 3701-801

Silicone Element 3919-108

Silicone Nappa 3156-801

Luster 3701-804

Silicone Element 3919-807

Silicone Nappa 3156-802

Silicone Element 3919-114

Pause 3854-401

Everywhere Texture 4147-404

Hint 3776-405

Nook 3906-404

Hint 3776-406

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-403

Wayside 3062-403

Hint 3776-407

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-401

C.S. Plexus KP C0244-401

Luster 3701-405

Silicone Element 3919-408

Silicone Element 3919-406

Double Weave 3884-901

Wayside 3062-401

C.S. Horizon C0246-201

Everywhere Texture 4147-307

C.S. Everywhere Texture KP C0241-307

C.S. Ticket C0241-307

C.S. Hashtag KP C0181-301

Microgrid 3514-301

Forestbound 3835-601

Luster 3701-601

Hint 3776-601

Concentric 3154-601

Glimmer 3006-601

C.S. Concentric KP C0247-601

Silicone Element 3919-808

Raia 3157-101

Everywhere Texture 4147-801

Everywhere Texture 4147-201

Hint 3776-201

Silicone Element 3919-204

C.S. Gamut KP C0242-204

Pause 3854-201

C.S. Latitude KP C0184-201

Wayside 3062-201

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-201

Luster 3701-501

C.S. Jumper KP C0214-801

Silicone Element 3919-106

Silicone Element 3919-107

Silicone Nappa 3156-102

Silicone Nappa 3156-103

Jumper 3878-801

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-801

Facet 9415-801

Wayside 3062-801

Dapple 3937-201

Hint 3776-201

CS Gamut KP C0242-204

Pause 3854-201

Silicone Element 3919-204

Luster 3701-501

Plexus 3129-201

CS Plexus KP C0244-201

CS Pennant KP C0249-201

CS Latitude KP C0184-201

CS Horizon KP C0246-201

Microgrid 3514-201

CS Hashtag KP C0181-701

CS Ticket C0240-701

Everywhere Texture 4147-702

Pivot 3374-702

Nook 3906-701

Luster 3701-701

Rider 3007-701

Silicone Element 3919-703

Silicone Element 3919-302

Silicone Element 3919-301

Standard 3040-802

CS Standard KP C0243-802

Raia 3157-101

Everywhere Texture 4147-801

Microgrid 3514-802

Luster 3701-801

Everywhere Texture 4147-803

Silicone Element 3919-108

CS Standard KP C0243-801

Standard 3040-801

Luster 3701-804

Silicone Nappa 3156-801

Wayside 3062-802

Silicone Element 3919-807

Silicone Nappa 3156-802

Silicone Element 3919-114

Hint 3776-401

Hint 3776-402

Luster 3701-401

Hint 3776-407

Silicone Element 3919-808

Pennant 3981-401

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-802

Luster 3701-405

Everywhere Texture 4147-404

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-403

Wayside 3062-403

CS Pennant KP C0249-401

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-401

Wayside 3062-401

Wayside 3062-801

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-801

Silicone Element 3919-106

Silicone Element 3919-107

Luster 3701-103

Silicone Nappa 3156-102

Pennant 3981-201

Raia 3157-101

Everywhere Texture 4147-801

Jumper 3878-801

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-801

Silicone Element 3919-106

Silicone Element 3919-107

Luster 3701-103

Silicone Nappa 3156-102

Silicone Nappa 3156-103

Wayside 3062-802

Silicone Nappa 3156-804

Microgrid 3514-802

Luster 3701-801

Everywhere Texture 4147-803

Pause 3854-102

Silicone Element 3919-108

CS Concentric KP C0247-102

Concentric 3154-102

Luster 3701-405

Hint 3776-402

Everywhere Texture 4147-307

CS Everywhere Texture KP C0241-307

CS Ticket C0240-301

CS Hashtag KP C0181-301

Linnen 3921-603

Luster 3701-601

Hint 3776-601

Silicone Element 3919-604

Silicone Nappa 3156-802

Silicone Element 3919-114

CS Hashtag KP C0181-502

CS Ticket C0240-501

Net 3869-501

Facet 9415-501

Hint 3776-407

Bloomer 3027-101

Wayside 3062-401

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-401

Blossom 9416-101

Silicone Element 3919-808

Circle Jacquard 3039-901

Double Weave 3884-901

Luster 3701-804

Silicone Nappa 3156-801

Silicone Element 3919-807

Apple 3701-502

Silicone Element 3919-502

Pause 3854-501

Pause 3854-201

Silicone Element 3919-204

CS Gamut KP C0242-204

CS Latitude KP C0184-201

CS Horizon KP C0246-201

Wayside 3062-201

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-201

CS Jumper KP C0214-801

Wayside 3062-801

CS Chunky Tweed KP C0179-802

Raia 3157-101

Everywhere Texture 4147-801

Microgrid 3514-802

Luster 3701-801

Everywhere Texture 4147-402

Pause 3854-401

Luster 3701-402

Everywhere Texture 4147-404

Hint 3776-405

Silicone Element 3919-405

Silicone Element 3919-406

Luster 3701-405

Plexus 3129-402

Linnen 3921-405

Wayside 3062-403

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-403

C.S. Plexus KP Wipeable C0244-402

Silicone Element 3919-808

Luster 3701-804

Silicone Element 3919-707

Luster 3701-501

Bloomer 3027-401

Blossom 9416-401

C.S. Latitude KP C0184-201

Wayside 3062-401

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-401

C.S. Horizon C0246-201

C.S. Hashtag KP C0181-201

Hint 3776-201

Silicone Element 3919-204

C.S. Gamut KP Wipeable C0242-204

Pause 3854-201

Wayside 3062-201

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-201

C.S. Ticket C0240-201

Silicone Element 3919-701

Pivot 3374-702

Jumper 3878-801

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-801

Forestbound 3835-104

Wayside 3062-801

Silicone Element 3919-106

Jumper C0214-801

Pennant 3965-201

Silicone Element 3919-107

Luster 3701-103

Silicone Nappa 3156-102

C.S. Pennant KP Wipeable C0249-201

C.S. Chunky Tweed KP C0179-802

Everywhere Texture 4147-803

Raia 3157-102

Silicone Element 3919-108

Rider 3007-804

Silicone Nappa 3156-801

Wayside 3062-802

Silicone Nappa 3156-805

Silicone Nappa 3919-114